About Me

Hello, my name is Thad and I am in 11th grade. I am writing about my experience in DigCit.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Twitter Chat!

This week in class we learned about and planned for a Twitter chat. These are ongoing conversations on twitter using a specific hashtag. A moderator would give out a few questions while this goes on and people would answer and talk to others about their ideas. If I could choose to moderate a twitter chat, I would make one based on creating films and for filmmakers to share their ideas and improve with each other. I would like to do this because creating videos is something I am passionate about and I think a chat like this would be a great place for people to better their ideas with other people.

I think that a Twitter chat could be something that would help out my passion project a lot. I am focusing on a news series for my school and one thing I need to look into is what people would like to see in this and how we can add that into the script. A Twitter chat throughout the school would allow me to reach out to a lot of people at once and get their feedback. There are a ton of students at my school that are using Twitter multiple times a day so I think this way I would be able to reach out to them much easier than using a school website or something along those lines. I think that using a Twitter chat is a very effective way to communicate with others as Twitter is an extremely popular app, especially among people my age. I think that because it is so popular people are more likely to see a conversation and be curious about what it is. This way they will discover the chat on their own even if they do not previously know about it. I think that a twitter chat would be a great way to get some feedback on my project and learn what people would like to see in my videos so that we are more succesful.

1 comment:

  1. There are a few chats about film and production already (not quite as you say it though) so you could jump on them and use what you learn from them to transform it into your own ideal chat.
