About Me

Hello, my name is Thad and I am in 11th grade. I am writing about my experience in DigCit.

Friday, February 26, 2016

World of 7 Billion

This past week we worked on creating a short video about deforestation, water scarcity, or public health. These videos were submitted to the "World of 7 Billion" video contest. I chose to create a video on deforestation, I thought it would be interesting to learn more about how quickly our forests are depleting. I learned a lot of new information about how severe deforestation is and how it is imperative that we spread awareness and find a solution. As for my video, I wish I could have found a better song to play in the background and maybe added some sound effects to the beginning rather than just a song. 

I think my video definitely could have been better if I was not working in such a short time period. I probably would have been able to find the song I was looking for and added sound effects to the beginning. I would have liked to make it a little longer and add text to clips rather than just black screens, but I wasn't able to find and other videos to use. I liked working alone because I was able to use purely my ideas, although I like being able to combine ideas with others. Overall, I was very happy with the way my video turned out. It was pretty close to how I had imagined it would turn out. I do wish I could have added more detail to sounds and a better song, but other than that, I thought it turned out just as I had wanted it to.