In 6th grade, a friend and I started a club completely based around making movies, purely for the enjoyment and just as something to do in our free time. Over time it grew and we found about ten people in total that enjoy doing the same things that we did. Back then, i'll be honest, our films were rubbish. Recently we've watched them all back and realized how ridiculous some of our ideas were, and i'm sure in a couple years we can look back on the videos we are making now and think they are out there as well. Today, i'm a junior in high school and we continue to make videos, but I like to think that these are much more professional than the work of a sixth grader. In the past, we really only made videos for our personal benefit, but now we try to do so much more. Recently, we entered into the 100 Words Film Festival and actually won first prize in the student category. We also have done several videos around the school to help out as much as possible, plus we enjoy it, so why not put it to good use.
Relating back to the festival, that was without a doubt the best video we have ever made, however it was much different than anything we had ever done before, so I was surprised at how well it turned out. Most of the videos we have made in the past have turned out as a comedy, whether that is what we planned on making it as or not. Somehow, everything we tried to make always had a comedic element to it. But, this video was different, much different. We did our best to pull at the audience's emotions and try to make the video as memorable as we possibly could.
After working with this group since 6th grade, I feel like our relationships have grown to be extremely strong throughout the years and we can really work together well and easily toss ideas of off each other without issue. Obviously some of our ideas are not the best, but I like to think that we have had multiple ideas that I am really proud of. I suppose at least one of our ideas was good enough to win a film festival, so I am really proud of that one.